Twitter Musings

I will try and keep these updated... I failed at keeping up with these. Sorry, if you already have Twitter, follow me @einetogi.

Feb. 20, 2021

There's something living in my head. It's sitting there and crying, an expression of myself. This living thought will flow out as words unread and fill up a notebook, a second body for my soul. My fears and regrets, my desires and human nature will exist there, separate from me.

Oct. 29, 2020

A Prayer

I was gifted words- what have I done with them? I have destroyed others and built myself a world with no reflection. I have hid in my voice and painted over the flaws in my own logic just so I could stand tall. May my heart be pure and my words be a cleansing tonic.

Aug. 8, 2020

"Floating on a song, she was like a living version of Sir Millais's 'Ophelia'. Her body felt light, lifted by the music. Her mind could drift between the notes and voices forever." I wrote this while listening to "Cave Me In" by Gallant x Tablo x Eric Nam

Feb. 4, 2020

Pretty little princess sleeping far away. I love you because your beauty is in your existence; nothing else has made me love you. I’m happy just to hear your voice and see your face. The heart of a mother inside of an aunt.

Feb. 1, 2020

Leave me alone with my thoughts, and I'll squander my time with videos and songs that create imaginary worlds in my head. Feeling alone when surrounded by noises is because I want things outside my reach. It makes me want to live as disembodied words with a following...

Jan. 29, 2020

The beautifully mundane is simply unexplainable. It is the unique comfort of the expected. In the repetitive nature of a day, of a year is the reassurance that everything will be right in the end. The gentle sound of rain. The rising and setting sun. Water on a hot day.

Jan. 28, 2020

"Find me," said the mountain to the earth thinking it had been lost in the clouds. 

Dec. 12, 2019

To My woman in New York and to Everyone in fear and pain. I can't say that everything will be ok, but I know this, the heavens cry for you and the earth groans with you. I have no peace to offer you, no peace can I give, but know this, Love still exists.

Nov. 22, 2019

Ice crystals cover the world in white as fog freezes in the direction of the breeze. Tiny fragile spikes of ice are as frightening as thorns but break at the slightest movement of the sleeping life beneath. With a gentle kiss from heat, the ice becomes the water of life.

Nov. 12, 2019

"Afraid of My Shadow"

I am scared of my own shadow. I fear it will strangle me in the daytime and leave me seeking it in the night. In bed alone, I'll be, until I turn on the light to find it haunting me.

Nov. 11, 2019

Meine Hände sind nicht genug. Meine Hände sind zu klein. Aber meine Stimme ist sehr Laut und meine Wörter sind sehr groß. Ich kann machen, was ich machen will. 

My hands are not enough. They are too small. But my voice is very loud and my words are very big. I can do what I want to do.

Nov. 6, 2019

Break up to wake up, don't take up my time. Shake up, don't make up to get to this rhyme. 

Nov. 3, 2019

Happy Little Ray of Sunshine, what lies within? 

Oh child, when you see a raindrop, look for that which blends, for I am made of every color known to man.

Oct. 30, 2019

Beautiful charms have no meaning to me. They lose their effect in the dark. As the music fades, they drift away and leave me alone with the chaos of my mind. Someone strike a key and light the night. Sing a song so sweet I taste it on my tongue. Please play me awake!

Oct. 24, 2019

Escape from the voices inside my head. Break free from the delusions that embrace me in silk and consume me like a spider. Stuck in the web of my mind. Like a junkie that needs to detox.

Oct. 15, 2019

"Ode to a Cupcake"

Your sweet existence, 

I will cherish. 

It is sad to think you will be gone.

Your sugary goodness,

I will delight in.

I have devoured you.

Now I am alone.

I hang my head.

Oct. 6, 2019

Inspired by Debussy "Clair de Lune"

Oh, how longing and desire drive us mad. Why do we ache for a sickness we know not how to cure? Sweet songs and wretched wailing pour from the hearts of those seeking to taste something of love, but futile attempts to subdue or ignite it. 


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