"Disturbed" from Sweet Dream
This is a potential song for Sweet Dream. It's titled "Disturbed". I'd love feedback on how lyrical it seems. Also, would it work if translated to Korean? Thanks!
Nightmares are less haunting than you/ It drives me mad/ I can't be who you want me to be/ I can't see past the blinding light and watch you/ But how I long for you to disappear
The brisk air of fall comes to replace the warmth of day/ The sun has disappeared from sight/ What has happened to my peace of mind/ Surrounded and alone/ I find comfort in the night
The light scent of blooming flowers fills the air/ It intoxicates me/ It calls my name/ But the flowers have long since died/ Can I dream of the happiness from cold winters past
Nightmares are less haunting than you/ Nightmares dressed in red and blue/ Nightmares in the day time/ Come away with the breath in my lungs/ My father's words are gone
The sweetness of chocolate/ The petals on the breeze/ The days and the nights/ Everything taunts me
Nightmares are less haunting than you/ They dare not touch my reality/ My mind burns your image in my memory to remind me of who I am
But still I wish to hear my name/ Speak softly to me/ Come closer to me/ Please don't leave me/ Please taunt me no longer
Nightmares are less haunting than you/ Nightmares are less haunting than you
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